Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Return engagement

This wasn't what I expected — a big gap between my previous post and this one. At least not a gap of such prodigious size, prompting friends to wonder aloud if I dropped off the planet.

In response to all of them, no. I'm still here but my list of obligations has been reordered. That gaming blog I wrote? Gone. The technology writing for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch? Not a daily thing anymore. I continue to edit sports, or try anyway, though the still-tenuous state of newspaper journalism has made the job seem as essential as buckboard repair.

So, what prompted the shift in status? Look down a few dusty entries to the one marked "SPJ," the moniker of the Society of Professional Journalists. I went from local programming director to chapter president in one leap and now have much more on my mind than gaming and gadgets.

There remains, however, some space in my head for those things, and when they spill out a couple blogs should catch them. One encompasses a concept that remains in development. The other involves a national SPJ committee I joined while attending the society's annual convention in Las Vegas.

In time, you'll see more of my musings in this space, just not with yawning spaces in time between them. If your opinion of me is favorable, this is a good thing.
